I’m excited to share Patrick Collier‘s thoughtful review of my show at Portland’5 on Oregon ArtsWatch.
“That this current show is situated in a theater is fitting, largely because of the theatricality of the work. A hyperbole of sorts is at work in the same way an actor on the stage projects and exaggerates a character so that the performance carries to the back rows. In a similar manner, Goodwind’s paintings are immediately eye-catching, even from a distance, and call to you across the room. Once approached, they draw you in. The colors pop. One might even say they are eye-candy. They are also, on occasion, quite repellent, and it is this push and pull that makes her work strike a deep chord in our psyches. As such, one would expect a degree of fantasy to play a role in the work, not only as it is created, but also interpreted by the viewer.”
It’s a short and fun read, and includes playful and insightful interpretations of couple individual works in the show. Here is the link to the full review.